You got something worth fighting for? Seth Godin says that you do. He believes you can change the industry with just an idea. Below are listed what it takes to create an online movement, adding my own thoughts to them. (103)
- Publish a manisfesto – Your idea must be bigger than you. You have to believe that your idea must be worth putting out into the open. It must be faithful to the cause, and faithful that others believe the same thing. Publishing does two things: creating visibility and begins interest.
- Make it easy for your followers to connect with you – If your idea is good, people will want to know who made the idea. People want to understand who put this in front of the world. People want to make your a leader. Besides making sure you have contact information out into the world, people want to see if you embody the idea. People want to see if you have a vision, and a goal, and if they can join the cause.
- Make it easy for your followers to connect with others – if you want movement, you need to create a body. A body does not move part by part. Rather, a body moves together as one. Make everyone meet each other and know their names. Let them learn how to get along with each other and work together.
- Money is not the point of the movement – Money can corrupt an idea. Take for instance, a fundraiser. A fundraiser in itself is for a bigger idea. But so much effort can be put into the fundraiser that you can lose focus towards the idea itself. If you have a purely good idea, you don't need money. You need faith.
- Track your progress – The only way you know that you have reached your goal is when you know how far you've gone. Seth says make your followers help you. I would go one step further and say make them part of the progress itself. Make them understand how far they've come in reaching a cause. Have them personalize it and own it.
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